Issue 8, August 2024 Edition
Special Days in August 2024 (Activities and Events) — Also, look at the End of this Newsletter for a SnapShot of Activities and Events coming up in September 2024.
- Aug 3 — Post 233 Breakfast at Bert’s Diner 9 am 8972 Grant Line Rd, Elk Grove, CA 95624
- Aug 4 — Coast Guard Birthday (founded in 1790)
- Aug 7 — Purple Heart Day (all wounded or killed in military service)
- Aug 5 — SAL Meeting 5:45 pm at District 56 Veterans’ Hall
- Aug 10 – Post 362 3rd Annual Island Nights Party at 5 pm (See Flyer)
- Aug 10 – U.S. Department of Defense Birthday
- Aug 10 – Agent Orange Awareness Day
- Aug 14 – Navajo Code Talkers Day
- Aug 16 – National Airborne Day
- Aug 22 – Post 233 Dinner 6 pm Elk Grove Elks Lodge #2577
- Aug 22 – Post 233 Meeting 7 pm 9240 Survey Rd, Elk Grove, CA 95624
- Aug 29 – Marine Forces Reserve Birthday (established in 1916)
- August – Anti-Terrorism Awareness Month
Welcome to the Legion Family Newsletter |
This newsletter belongs to the Elk Grove Legion Family, it is up to you what the content is, and how often it is published. We need your suggestions on how to improve it.
Please send your suggestions, and articles to our editor: D’Ann Herbert Moseley |
Commander’s Corner
Welcome Post 233,
For the new members of Post 233, welcome aboard. With all of you, our Post is now over 400 members. Thank you Henry for all your hard work. Please join us for our first Saturday of the month Post Social breakfast, next Saturday, August 3, at 9:00 am at Bert’s Diner on Grant Line Road, Elk Grove. I hope to see you there. |
- On July 25th, 2024 Will Willams installed our Post Officers for the 2024 – 2025 year, Your new officers of Post 233 are:
- Commander – D’Ann Herbert Moseley
- 1st Vice Commander – Keith Smithson
- 2nd Vice Commander – Bart Chamberlain
- Finance Officer – Henry Sanchez
- Member-at Large – Susan Mason
- Sargeant-at-Arms – Doug Phillips
All are members of Post 233 in good standing.
Please welcome them.
Our next Elk Grove American Legion Post 233 Dinner and Meeting is Thursday, 22 August, (doors open at 5:45 pm, 6 pm social, 7 pm meeting) at the Elk Grove Elks Lodge, 9240 Survey Road (off of Grant Line East and Hwy 99), Elk Grove.
This will be a short meeting, as many of our Post Officers will be in New Orleans for the American Legion National Convention.
In camaraderie,
D’Ann Herbert Moseley
Post Commander
Elk Grove American Legion Post 233, Inc.
916.919.7273 (c) (please Text me) |
Here are key websites that are important for all Californians during wildfire season.
“Don’t worry be happy”…
“Don’t worry be happy”…do you remember the song? A simple message to be sure, but a very profound one.
A wise man once encouraged us to let tomorrow worry about itself, live life abundantly, and live it abundantly. I realize that this can be easier said than done. As veterans, we answered our nation’s call to serve. We set aside our personal wants so that we could help ensure the continuation of our precious way of life. Many of you faced imminent danger and, in those moments, didn’t have the time or luxury to worry about tomorrow. In those moments, you focused on doing your job, completing the mission, and returning home to loved ones.
I don’t know what your biggest worry is today. Maybe it’s your health, maybe it’s your finances, or maybe your worry is for your loved ones. Some things are in your control and some things are not. You can’t change other people, but you can certainly change yourself. Bring positive change where you can today and don’t spend too much time worrying about yesterday or tomorrow. Live today to its fullest and focus on the positive. Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success.
Choose to be happy today.
Chaplain Saul Castillo – American Legion Post 233 Chaplain
Hello everyone.
With the exception of our Life Time Members, everyone else should have already been receiving 2025 Legion Membership renewal notices in the mail from our National Headquarters. Many of you, with my thanks, have been renewing your membership online through the National Website “Legion.Org“. It makes my job a little bit easier…however, for those of you mailing me a personal Check for your renewal…that’s just fine too. Just a little bit more work but very doable all the way around.
As of this date, July 29th, 2024…79 Legion members have renewed their membership for 2025. Our Post has 89 Life Members for a total of 162 renewals. We have over 400 members in our Post. Looking forward to many more renewals as the days pass by. I am making all attempts to have a 24–48-hour turnaround time to mail you your new and updated membership card. I will be going on vacation here and there between now and September… so there will be a slight delay from time to time.
Our Elk Grove American Legion Post 233 is still growing and growing… we are all recruiters… please refer them to me so that I can process their membership with my Thanks!!
Henry Sanchez
Post Adjutant & Finance Officer
The American Legion
Elk Grove Post 233
916-205-9296 (C) |
American Legion Auxiliary
Congratulations to our very own Jenniffer Turner, the new District 6 Auxiliary President for 2024-2025. A well-desired honor…
The New Auxiliary Officer for Unit 233:
President ~ Max Baumgartner
1st Vice President ~ Jennifer Turner
2nd Vice President ~ Rosa Hernandez
Secretary ~ Doreen Long
Treasurer ~ Ann Sanchez
Chaplain ~ Wendie Phillips
Sergeant-At-Arms ~ Heather Paton
Assistant Sergeant-At-Arms ~ Cindy Hernandez
Executive Committee ~ Laura Suarez ~ April Medina
Happy August to all the Legionnaires, Auxiliary, and Sons of the American Legion.
It’s an honor for me to be elected as the new president of the ALA Unit 233. Some folks have asked me why I would be the president of a women’s organization. The ALA is not a women’s organization anymore this has changed and our unit already has several male members. So why did I accept to be president, because this organization is 100% plus committed to supporting veterans and the families of veterans. The members of this organization worked very hard in finding creative ways to help those in need. It’s not about building a big bank account, or not wanting to commit hours of volunteer time from their personal lives. The American Legion is about veterans, for all the legion programs. I cannot be prouder of a group of individuals in the American Legion Auxiliary who I have seen work so hard and give so much of their time through fund raising efforts, supporting military functions, helping families during the Holidays and so much more. This truly is a privilege for me that this wonderful team has chosen me to be their president.
On another note, and very important message. PLEASE READ AND PUT ON YOUR CALENDAR FOR THE AUGUST MEETING, 22 August 2024. The ALA Unit 233 is doing the annual school drive:
American Legion Auxiliary is collecting school supplies for the upcoming school year to donate to our local children. Please collect the following and fill a backpack for a child in need. Please bring all backpack donations to the next Post/Unit meeting in August or contact for pickup or drop off
- Pencils/Pens
- Crayons/markers/colored pencils
- Notebook paper (loose, notebooks or composition)
- Glue sticks
- Erasers
- Hand wipes/Sanitizer
- Rulers
- Pencil sharpeners
- Pencil pouch/box
- Folders
- Scissors
Thank you: Max Baumgartner – President |
‘Be The One’ is a national campaign to help lower the suicide rate among veterans. There is great hope that our Legion Family members will “Be the One” to Save a Veteran. The American Legion wants to change the narrative. Instead of talking… Ask the question |
“Legionnaire of the Year” Award
American Legion Post 233 Spring 2024
Leadership Commission
Fellow Legionnaires:
This letter is being written to nominate an extremely deserving Legionnaire for the “Legionnaire of the Year Award”. This Legionnaire, between July 1, 2023 and July 1, 2024 has:
- Completed year as Second Vice-Commander.
- Completed year as Captain of Post 233 Honor Guard.
- Outstanding Post 233 Honor Guard member assisting Post 77 Honor Guard weekly in rendering honors at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery.
- Chair for the Elk Grove Veterans Day Parade and participant.
- Memorial Day Committee member and Honor Guard participant.
- Western Festival Committee member and participant.
- Posting of the Colors for the City of Elk Grove 4th of July Celebration.
- Committee member and participant for the Post fundraiser.
- Full Military Honor participant for many veterans’ funerals at local cemeteries.
- Sacramento Stand Down Committee member and event participant.
- October Great Pumpkin Festival committee member and participant.
- Posting of the Colors for GOP Ladies of California.
- Worked December Christmas Dinner for the National Guard group and their families.
- February Four Chaplain celebration participant.
- March 29 Vietnam 50th celebration participant.
- Posting of the Colors for a local College graduation.
- July 4th Food Bank Fun Run participant.
- Member of Sacramento Stand Down helping unhoused Veterans.
- Posting of the Colors for Women Lawyers convention.
- Monthly advisor to the American Legion Son meeting
- Weekly for nine months of the year (Sept to Jun), the opening of the Veterans Hall for Post 233 Scout Troup
- Blood Donor program volunteer and weekly donor of plasma and/or platelets.
This Legionnaire has been working in the organization for many years and has served in many roles at the Post level. As a result, this Legionnaire knows about resources, services, and support groups for all veterans in our area. To this Legionnaire supporting veterans is a way of life not just something to do “when needed”.
Due to the spectacular commitment and many roles successfully filled during 2023-24, I enthusiastically nominate this outstanding Legionnaire for “Legionnaire of the Year” 2024.
Thank you for your attention to this letter.
Regards, Chuck Forbes
For tickets, go to; Click on the Fundraisers tab at the very top of the page. Below the graphic is the link to buy tickets. You can go directly to the PayPal Purchase page here.
2025 Oratorical Scholarship Program : A Constitutional Speech Contest
We need 1-2 volunteers to help with the 2025 Oratorical Scholarship Program—A Constitutional Speech Contest. Every veteran has raised your right hand to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States”. We now need to encourage high school students to learn more about our Constitution and apply to participate. This will be Post 233’s 2nd effort at offering this scholarship program. We aim for a robust effort, and recruiting several students for the Post-level contest.
Please join Susan Mason if you are interested. Contact her at 916-683-6128 (H) or Thank you!! |
Elk Grove American Legion Post 233
Elk Grove American Legion Auxiliary Unit 233
General (In Person) Meetings
General Meeting
August 22nd, 2024
No ZOOM Logins to Meeting at Present Time
Elk Grove Elks Lodge
9240 Survey Road
Elk Grove, Ca. 95624
Please come and join us for dinner & meeting August 22nd, 2024
Boy Scouts Troop 288 meets every Tuesday evening at 7 pm at District 56 Veterans Meeting Hall from September to June. During the summer months, they meet at Elk Grove Park. Keep an eye on this location for possible changes throughout 2024. |
Elk Grove Sons of The American Legion
Squadron 233
General Membership Meeting
Join us on
Monday, August 5th, 2024
Squadron Meeting at 5:45 pm
Elk Grove Veterans Hall
8230 Civic Center Drive
Elk Grove, CA 95757
The meeting is also available via Zoom
Meeting ID: 784 996 0776
Passcode: 1776
Dial In Voice Only !
Meeting ID: 784 996 0776
Passcode: 1776
Elk Grove Squadron 233
Sons of The American Legion
If you’re a Male and your parents or Grandparents were in the Service we need you here for you to Honor them!
The Sons of the American Legion Honor our Parents & Grandparents Service to our Nation. If you are already a member of the Legion, become a Dual Member, and your dues are only $15 a year for you to join the S.A.L.
If you are over 18 years of age and your Parents or Grandparents Served it is $25 a year, If you are under 18 years of age your dues are only $15. All membership dues were due by July 1st of each year.
The Sons of the American Legion is a Support group of the Legion. If you are a member and have a Son or Grandson, we need them too.
Jim Cooper, Sacramento Sheriff, also a member of our SONS (@SheriffJCooper)
The Sacramento Sheriffs are proud to join forces with the Yolo County Sheriff Marine Patrol Unit in the recent Sacramento Blitz Operation, dedicated to enhancing the safety of our Delta waterways and providing an enjoyable environment for all who visit and use these beautiful waters. A big thank you to everyone involved for their hard work and commitment to safety. |
American Legion Post 233
Saturday Morning Breakfast
will be held on August 3rd, 2024
Breakfast at Bert’s Diner @ 9 am
8972 Grant Line Rd, Elk Grove, CA 95624
Won’t you join us for breakfast?
Elk Grove American Legion
Post 233 Honor Guard
Rendering Honors for a Fallen Veteran.
Click Link Below to Watch Video
Rendering Honors
If you have any problems watching video cut and paste this link into your browser and press enter |
Blood Donor Coordinator
D’Ann Herbert Moseley
Do you donate blood (family members included)? I need to know how many times and what you donate (whole blood, platelets, plasma, or source plasma) for the year, July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025.
Please e-mail me your numbers by the 10th of May, 2025,
subject line Blood Donations…
American Legion wants this information each year and Vitalant/Blood Source no longer keeps this information for me, BUT when you go in to donate and register, please have them make the notation in your file as “Wounded Warriors”, then Vitalant can give me a report. |
Do you or your family members donate Blood, Plasma, or Platetes?
website: VA E-Benefits
Elk Grove, CA.
OK, so now you have VA benefits, and you are excited to use them but how? In an age of digital technology, automated phone calls/messages, email, etc. What do you do? Check out the above webpage and register yourself. Put in your information and find out more about benefits both for yourself and your family. If you have questions, you have contacts listed here and you can email or call them. Don’t be afraid to call and please be patient. VA is a big organization with 3 different branches:
- VBA – Veterans Benefits Administration: Veterans & family benefits to include home loans, financial assistance, survivors’ benefits, etc.
- VHA – Veterans Health Administration: Veterans health benefits for health care of veterans
- NCA – National Cemetery Administration: Burial benefits, burial for veterans & eligible family members
Take a moment to check out the website and find out for yourself if you are eligible. Most everything is digital and easy to navigate with patience. Take a moment to get your benefits. You deserve them! |
- September 2024
- 2-Sep Labor Day
- 7-Sep Post 233 Breakfast 9 am Possible Mimi’s or Bert’s Diner
- 11-Sep Patriot Day
- 17-Sep Constitution Day 1 pm Ring your bells
- 18-Sep USAF Birthday 1947
- 19-Sep Unaccompanied Veteran Service SVNC Shelter #1 2p SVNC = Sacramento Valley National Cemetery 5810 Midway Rd, Dixon, CA
- 21-Sep National POW/MIA Recognition Day, District 56 in the Flag area more info will be forthcoming
- 22-Sep Fall Begins
- 26-Sep Post 233 Dinner 6 pm Elk Grove Elks Lodge #2577
- 26-Sep Post 233 Meeting 7 pm 9240 Survey Rd, Elk Grove, CA 95624
- 27-Sep Post 233 Fundraiser Dinner & Casino 5 pm to 11 pm District 56/Veteran Hall Building 8230 Civic Center Dr, Elk Grove, CA Volunteers are needed
- October 2024
- 4-6 Oct Great Pumpkin Festival all day 9950 Elk Grove-Florin Rd, CA Volunteers are needed
- 5-Oct Post 233 Breakfast 9 am Possibly Mimi’s
- 12-Oct Columbus Day
- 13-Oct US Navy Birthday
- 24-Oct Post 233 Dinner 6 pm Elk Grove Elks Lodge #2577
- 24-Oct Post 233 Meeting 7 pm 9240 Survey Rd, Elk Grove, CA 95624
- 31-Oct Halloween
- November 2024
- 2-Nov Post 233 Breakfast 9 am Possibly Mimi’s
- 3-Nov Time Change 2 am Fall Back you-all
- 5-Nov Election Day – GO VOTE 7 am-8 pm *GO VOTE*GO VOTE *
- 11-Nov Veteran Day Parade 10 am 8820 Elk Grove Blvd, Elk Grove, CA 95624; Parking Lot
- 11-Nov Picnic after Parade 12 noonish 9950 Elk Grove Florin Rd, Elk Grove, CA 95624, Volunteers are needed
- 21-Nov Post 233 Dinner 6 pm Elk Grove Elks Lodge #2577
- 21-Nov Post 233 Meeting 7 pm 9240 Survey Rd, Elk Grove, CA 95624 28-Nov Thanksgiving Day Enjoy your Dinner
- December 2024
- 7-Dec Post 233 Breakfast Maybe
- 19-Dec Unaccompanied Veteran Service SVNC Shelter #1 2 pm SVNC = Sacramento Valley National Cemetery 5810 Midway Rd, Dixon, CA
- 25-Dec Christmas Happy Holidays
- 26-Dec NO Post 233 Meeting or Dinner Because of the Holidays, No December Meet
- 31-Dec New Year’s Eve Please be safe…